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来源:环球医学编译    时间:2012年05月29日    点击数:    5星

5月29日消息 - 环球医学据悉,发表在《细胞》杂志上的一项新研究显示,一种用于治疗精神分裂症的抗精神病药物可使癌症干细胞转变为威胁较小的细胞类型。

“你必须要找到真正对癌症干细胞具有选择性的东西,”该研究的第一作者、来自麦克马斯特大学的Mickie Bhatia说。“我们已经工作了一段时间,很难找到正确的方法。”









Schizophrenia Drug Differentiates Cancer Stem Cells into Less Threatening Cells


A new study published in the journal Cell reveals that an anti-psychotic drug that is used in treating schizophrenia can differentiate cancer stem cells into less threatening cell types.

"You have to find something that's truly selective for cancer stem cells," said Mickie Bhatia, lead author of the study from McMaster University. "We've been working for some time and it's hard to find that exact formula."

The survival of cancer patients is largely unchanged from 30 years ago, and many suspect that greater success will come by addressing the rare and chemotherapy-resistant cancer stem cells.

Unlike normal stem cells, cancer stem cells resist differentiating into stable, non-dividing cell types. Bhatia's team exploited this difference to simultaneously screen compounds for their activity against human cancer stem cells versus normal human stem cells.

By testing hundreds of compounds, they identified nearly 20 potential cancer stem cell specific drugs. The one that appeared most promising is an antipsychotic drug, thioridazine, which is known to work against schizophrenia by targeting dopamine receptors in the brain. The drug doesn't appear to kill cancer stem cells, but rather encourages them to differentiate, thus exhausting the pool of self-renewing cells.

The researchers showed that thioridazine kills leukemia stem cells without affecting normal blood stem cells. Comparing the proteins in leukemia versus normal blood cells helped to explain this specificity. The leukemia cells, but not normal blood stem cells, express a dopamine receptor on their surfaces. Dopamine receptors also appear on some breast cancer stem cells, they found.

"This gives us some explanation," Bhatia said. It also suggests that dopamine receptors might serve as a biomarker for rare, tumor-initiating cells.

In light of the findings, Bhatia's team is already planning for a clinical trial of the FDA-approved thioridazine in combination with standard anti-cancer drugs for adult acute myeloid leukemia.

"We're excited about bringing this drug to patients," Bhatia said. "We also hope our platform can now be a pipeline for other cancer stem cells drugs."






